Understanding more about Vickers hardness tester

The basic working principle of Vickers hardness tester is by calculating the intender’s diagonal length by introducing a diamond pyramid indenter carrying a certainly given load. The indent’s diagonals are measured phyRockwell hardness testersically and optically using a specific formula or table to have the hardness test. Vickers hardness test is essential in determining material hardness, especially in the micro hardness test range. When testing thin layers of material like coating, the Knoop hardness test will play an important role hence easy to overcome brittle material from cracking. The main indenter used in the Vickers hardness test is the pyramid indenter which is made purely of diamonds with a face angle of 136⁰. Vickers hardness test uses a test load that ranges from 1gf to 120gf according to ISO standards. Therefore, you can use Vickers testing methods across all load ranges.

Advantages of Vickers hardness testing
Based on the Vickers testing method’s magnitude of test force, the process can be subdivided into various testing loads: low-load, micro, and macro hardness range. Depending on the load range, Vickers hardness tester can have different applications. Vickers method is applicable in all specimens and materials since the process covers all hardness ranges. The fact that one type of indenter is used in the Vickers hardness testing method makes it to be the best. Some hardness testing will destroy specimens and indenters. However, in the Vickers testing method, it is possible to achieve non-destructive testing; hence the test specimens are useful for other purposes.